Term Deposits

Term Deposits provide a secure, worry-free investment for short or long-term funds. With flexible interest rates, investment terms, and automatic renewal options, Term Deposits provide a great way to save and earn money with a guarantee of principal and interest. Plus, deposits are insured under the terms of the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation.
18 & 42 Month Special Term Deposits
- Higher deposit rate
- Non-redeemable
- TFSA, RRSP & RRIF eligible
- No risk to your principal
- Interest is accrued daily and paid annually
- Rate subject to change without notice.
Redeemable Term Deposits
- Term is for 1 year
- Access to your money if you need it
- Interest is accrued daily and paid annually
- No risk to your principal
Non-Redeemable Term Deposits
- Funds are held on deposit for a specific period of 1 to 5 years.
- Higher interest rate than regular savings
- Competitive and special rates are available
- Interest is accrued daily and paid annually
- No risk to your principal
Escalator Term Deposits
- 3-year term
- Increase in interest rate each year
- Interest is accrued daily and paid annually
- Minimum deposit is $1,000
- Available on registered investments
- Access to your money on each anniversary date
- No risk to your principal
Index-Linked Term Deposits
- Invest in stock markets without any risk to your principal.
- Principal is guaranteed
- No fees or commissions
- Fixed term of 3 or 5 years
- Rate of return is calculated on the performance of the TSE or G7 countries. (Global Index-Linked Term Deposits are only available at specified periods of time)
- Click the year to view past performances of the 3 year and 5 year Index-Linked products
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