Fraud Awareness
The best way to avoid becoming a victim of a scam is to be informed and alert.
Always report fraud.Here are some known scams.
December 2023 - Grandparent Scam
We have received information about a fraudulent scheme, known as the "Grandparent Scam." Scammers, posing as an RCMP officer named Ryan Greenen, have been making distressing calls to our members, claiming that a grandchild is in dire straits and urgently needs $19,000, all while insisting on absolute secrecy. Scammers have also been calling grandparents claiming to be their grandchild. The "grandchild" claims that they're in trouble—common misfortunes include having been in a car accident, getting locked up in jail, or trouble returning home from a foreign country—and they need money immediately.
Your vigilance is your best defense. Please be cautious and don't fall victim to this scam. Protect yourself by following these steps:
- Take time to verify the story. Scammers are counting on you wanting to quickly help your loved one in an emergency.
- Call the child's parents or friends to find out about their whereabouts.
- Ask the person on the phone questions that only your loved one would be able to answer and verify their identity before taking steps to help.
- Never send money to anyone you don't know and trust.
- Never give out any personal information to the caller.
Learn more
Grandparent's Scam Payment Fraud McAfee Scam Romance/Investment Scam
The Government of Canada has various department Fraud and Scams websites.
The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre collects information on fraud and identity theft and provides information on past and current
scams affecting Canadians.
The Competition Bureau of Canada has numerous resources to help protect you.
There is also the Scams and Fraud website of Canada Revenue Agency that has numerous tools, videos and quiz to test
your knowledge.
Our HonestMoney website also hosts a few articles and tips on fraud prevention and staying safe.What to do if you feel you’ve been a victim of a scam:
* If you’ve provided personal information such as your SIN, banking/credit card and/or sent any money in the form of bitcoin,
pre-paid gift cards – Report the fraud to your local Police
* If you did not disclose any personal information or sent money – Report the fraud to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre via their
website or by calling 1-888-495-8501.